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All Things New

Sometimes there is nothing particularly wrong with the past. In fact, the past is a place for learning, reflection, and can act as our very own library of reference and knowledge as we face new challenges and opportunities. Although for many, it might contain examples of disappointments and failures, those situations were not faced (and conquered) in vain. You are more experienced NOW than you were THEN. Sometimes life throws us a curveball that we were not expecting. Sometimes, its even more than "a curveball" and situations faced can alter the complete direction of one's life. Even still, lets be encouraged to learn and continually seek God in every circumstance. Remember, God knew about the curveball and promises to always be present. He is. Yes, it may not always feel that way, but Jesus is there and HE wants to make ALL THINGS NEW in your life. This includes the level in which you trust in Him. In the Scriptures, Moses, David, Job, Jonah, Paul, Peter, John, and even Mary & Jospeh all experienced LIFE CHANGING/ALTERING curveballs. However, person served his/her purpose and today we consider these individuals heroes of the faith. God never fails and HE will use each unexpected situation for HIS purposes. You and I get to be a part of it. Once the winds calm, if we have yielded to the authority of Jesus during the storm, we are always better than we were before the storm. Be encouraged.

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