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  • Writer's pictureRuss Cambria

Love, Serve, Teach

The call to plant a church is never to be taken lightly. In fact, it is one of the most important decisions a “church planter” will make because once planted, this new church immediately begins to influence its community and the lives of those who connect with it. Churches continue to play major roles in shaping neighborhoods, communities, and city blocks. As a pastor, if there was one thing I would want to tell someone who was looking for a church, it would be this— “Find a church that is concerned with what is happening outside its four walls rather than one that spends all of its energy and resources on what is going on inside those walls.” Sure, it is very important that a church has a healthy worship service and that people are finding wise counsel, encouragement, and quality discipleship programs. However, these things are just one aspect of what Jesus meant when He gave us the Great Commission to “go into all of the world and make disciples…” In order to do that—we must be active in our communities, serving those who are unfortunate, and ultimately, being the hands and feet of Jesus to those who have yet to discover the church. LOVE, SERVE, and TEACH. These 3 things are what we are called to do at Reach Church and there are many times when these ingredients are experienced and practiced outside of the building we rent. To us, the church is not a building…its a body of believers who gather together to love and worship God. Come Join us and let’s #REACH our community together! 

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